Hoke's trip back to his roots, MEEKS Georgia USA

When Hoke returns to his birth place in Meeks, Georgia The Welcome committee turns out to greet him.

Hokes journey back home to Meeks begin at these Celtic Lions standing guard on their owners property


Hoke finds a reminder of his young day an old 57 Ford Fairland that in it's prim cursed the street of Meeks

Take a right at this intersection to get to Hoke's old home place.

When Mr. Jackson, a prominent citizen of Meeks, was told they were going to name a street after him he said, "I don't give a Flip." and here it is


Hoke remembers when this old well was open and was at the back porch of the house he was born and raised in as a young boy. It had a bucket tied on the end of a long rope and with a hand crank rig they would lower the bucket down into the well and get the water that his family used for drinking, cooking and cleaning, etc. The house stood just in the field of goldenrods to the left of the well (below).

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